2025 Park Hill Drive, Highland, IL 62249
Mailing address: PO Box 111 Highland, IL 62249

Madison County Fair Association
"Allied with the Growth and Prosperity of this Community"
Fair Dates:
July 25th - 30th, 2023
Madison County Fair
The Madison County Fair Association shall, as stated in the bylaws, establish, operate, maintain, conduct, manage and control an annual agricultural, industrial, cultural, educational trade and scientific fair in the
Each year exciting events at the Madison County Fair, including livestock shows, tractor pulls, demolition derbies (both automobile and combine!), musicians, 4-H exhibits, pageants and stock car races draw over 216,000 exhibitors, families, vendors and visitors from all over Madison County and the surrounding area. With areas of interest ranging from livestock to stock car races – there is something for everyone at the Madison County Fair!
The Madison County Fair Association, chartered in 1872, has evolved into what it is today due to the hard work, heart and dedication of numerous volunteer members. Many volunteers work and donate their time and talents throughout the year to help facilitate successful entertainment and exhibits for the fair. The Madison County Fair has been a place of fun and education for families in Highland and all of Southern Illinois for well over a century!

Fair Board Members
Officers and Directors
David Ammann
Jason Boeser
1st Vice President
Katie Mettler
2nd Vice President
Michelle Schwarz
Jessica EATON
Executive Board
Chelsey Ammann
Jason Boeser
Keith Iberg
Katie Mettler
Rick Bellm
Dylan Rutz
Josh Tebbe
Jessica Eaton
Claire Geiger
Kaitlin Korte
Taylor Grapperhaus
David Amman
Anne Marie Mangialardi
Nick Kloss
Tyler Gross
Julie Huelsmann
Jennifer Zoelzer
Kerry Ketchum
If you are interested in joining or serving on the fair board and/or executive board, please email at madcofair@gmail.com and you will be considered at the next annual meeting.
** If for any reason you are unable or do not wish to serve on the MCFA board please email the fair office and you will be retired at the next general board meeting **
All content copyright © 2018-19 Madison County Fair Association | Non-Profit
creative by blockplanedesigns
All content copyright © 2018-19 Madison County Fair Association
creative by blockplanedesigns